Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Movie Catch Up Dance

Like a sloth doing slothy things, I have found myself in the terrible position of being several movie updates behind in my new task. I haven't stopped watching movies! As if life is even possible without them.

Look, I knew going in, this would be a difficult challenge and I suppose I got a little behind, I am a bad bad girl. Moving on. Let the movie catch up dance begin!

What does an American Spy, a genius detective, a fraternity, and a dead girl all have in common? Not much except that I've seen them all in the last week and a half, but lets see if I can find some sort of connection.

First up, xXx (2002)

Here's another not so secret vice of mine. I adore Vin Diesel. The man knows what he is, and makes no apologies for it. xXx is a perfect example. A homage to the Spy flick genre with a Gen-Y spin. Tattoos, illegal internet videos, extreme sports and Playstation references. All fun fun fun.

Oh for sure, most people think this movie is terrible. Don't get me wrong, it most defiantly is terrible. Call me shallow and you might never read this blog again, but I find a terrible joy in watching it and I don't care what anyone thinks. It's silly, and poorly scripted and I don't care!

Just when you think the movie can't get any sillier, Vin Diesel snowboards down a mountain in order to drop grenades into it to cause an avalanche to take out the bad guys. Gold! and don't try and tell me otherwise. I won't hear of it.

Some films are meant to be silly and fun. They won't win any awards but they aren't supposed to. They are the trash magazine you claim only to read because it's there, but secretly enjoy and get annoyed when the doctor calls you in, because you really want to finish this article.

Oh and it stars Samuel L. Jackson  who was in Iron Man (2008) with Robert Downey Jr. which brings me to my next movie.

Sherlock Holmes (2009)

Yes again. My second.. err second viewing for the year. So glad I ventured forth and saw this movie again, and with an avid and understanding movie fan friend of mine as well.

We both enjoyed and were very pleased with our second viewing of Sherlock Holmes. Mr Robert Downey was as excellent this time round, and now that the initial viewings excitement has warn off some what, I can honestly say I still adore it.

At the same time, I can now understand why some people might not have felt the same as I. The film certainly slows in the middle. I feel this is the fault of the character Lord Blackwood, who would have been greater taken on by a much stronger actor. As my avid film friend pointed out, Lord Blackwood had two wonderful speeches to really make his own and inspire terror in us all, and well.. he didn't. For shame.

Another friend of mine was wondering just how long were the characters running for in order to get from London Parliament to the Tower Bridge? Indeed.

Moving on to the next movie, just as Robert Downey Jr. is in Due Date (2010) which also stars Juliette Lewis who is also in..

Old School (2003)

This was on TV one Saturday night, oh how I laughed. Having never seen it, my husband assured me it was a classic.
So it had some very cliche moments in the middle, regardless the whole premise was quite amusing. The likes of Vince Vaughn, Will Ferrell and good ole' underrated Jeremy Piven (So glad Entourage happened for him, he makes that show.) really sell this movie. By the way, I think I have a little Luke Wilson crush. He's a cutie and I like his easy going attitude towards roles.

Geez, how am I going to link this movie to the next. Oh wait! So easy! Jeremy Piven is in Entourage which is produced by Mark Wahlberg who is now in..

The Lovely Bones (2009)

On the extremely hot Sunday that just past, the Husband and I went to cool off at a Gold Class Screening of The Lovely Bones.

I walked out of the viewing feeling cool but thoughtful and sad. If you're looking for a happy tale, this isn't for you.

Directed by Peter Jackson and taken from a book of the same name, The Lovely Bones is a story told to us buy a murdered girl named Susie.

I long to read the book now. Watching the film, it felt like there was so much going on that Peter Jackson had trouble tieing everything up at the end. As a result, the ending didn't really do it for me.

Maybe I just didn't like how they story ended, but I think more likely (though until i read the book, its only a guess), that the film failed to fit in everything that comes from a very complicated book. From a man who directed the Lord of the Rings Trilogy, you'd think he'd be a bit more practiced. Of course, I could be shooting my foot off as we speak. I'll read the book as soon as I get a copy just to be sure.

Here ends the Move Catch Up Dance. I'll try not to dance again too soon.


the girl from george street said...

I LOVE you doing the movie catch-up dance. Nice and pacey. Sock it to 'em sister. x

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