Sunday, January 24, 2010

Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009)

Director Wes Anderson to me is a little bit of a God. Every one of his films inspire me to get out there and be creative. Take hold of my crazy ideas and make something of them.

Fantastic Mr. Fox is no exception. What makes this film so fantastic (brace yourself, the word "fantastic" is about to be used a lot) is that Anderson has taken on the works of another visionary Roald Dahl (my childhood God). The combined genius of these two great men cultivates in a film of style, flair, beauty, humour and creativeness that I have nothing but the utmost adoration for.

Mr. Fox, husband, father and ex-thief of chickens, ducks and the like is feeling the pull of past. Something is missing, his wild instinct and he begins thieving again from local farmers Boggis, Bunce and Bean. A mighty battle of skill and wit between farmers and fox n' friends begins.

The screenplay takes the original book and expands on it ever so slightly. Even though the book is alone fantastic, the film expansion is most certainly For The Win.

Wes Anderson is a wordsmith of wonder when it comes to dialog. His scripts are the kind I dream of being able to create. All his films could stand on the screenplay alone but then with the added beauty of his own personal signature visual style, you come out with a work of art.

Fantastic Mr. Fox is a little different than his past works, as it's all presented with fantastic stop animation (Oh! Every hair on their faces is a wonder!). A style that enhances the vision.. well.. fantastically.

Can I squeeze in another "fantastic"? Yes I can. See this film. If you have already, see it again. It is just.. fantastic.


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