Saturday, December 19, 2009

Zombieland (2009)

So my Iron Man (2008) post will have to wait as I had to interrupt my viewing to run off to my most favourite of places, the cinema.

Zombie movies are wonderful. I adore them. You already know my feelings on disaster movies, well multiply that by about ten, and you have my admiration for the zombie genre.

The worlds gone to hell, and that leaves humans a minority, and whats there to do but fight back or be eaten. The mighty battle against the odds, the fight for survival. Zombie movies explore human nature in its rarest form, and I'm not talking about the zombies. I'm talking about how mans true nature comes out in life and death situations, and the most awesome of those situations is the Zombie Apocalypse. Zombie films create wonderful discussions amongst friends as to what one would do if a zombie outbreak really did occur. Would you survive? What would be your survival plan? What items do you have in your house that you could use to bash a zombies head in?

I imagine this could very well be how Zombieland came into the world. A bunch of mates sitting around debating what they would do if an outbreak happened right now. I could explain the plot of this movie, but its really not important. You know when you watch a film and it starts off with all the fun and whimsical moments, but then gets serious and dramatic. Well, Zombieland is pretty much only the fun and whimsical moments and as a result it is.. wait for it.. awesome.

I walked out of the cinema and immediately wanted to just walk right back in and see it again.

Every character in this film is likable. I have to give massive props to Woody Harrelson. After his cameo in 2012 (2009) and now this, well, he is the Top of my Pops at the moment. Jesse Eisenburg (aka The Other Michael Cera) is just delightful as well.

I had the best time watching this movie. Its just enjoyable the whole way through. Is it deep? No. Is it light on plot? Yes. Do I care? No. Do you just want to have a kick ass time? Yes? Then go see Zombieland as soon as humanly possible. You'll have some laughs and watch some zombies get their heads bashed in. What more could a gal ask for.


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