Friday, December 25, 2009

The Thirteenth Floor (1999)

So I've Christmas'd myself up. I've wrapped my presents, and watched my Christmas movie, but it's still early.

After reading this blog, a friend has given me a movie to watch and write about. What better time than now?

Can I start off by saying how much I enjoyed this movie? I enjoyed this movie. Part of me though wishes I'd seen it when it was first released back in 1999 as apposed to seeing it for the first time today. I'll explain why.

The plot is wonderfully written, based on a book written back in the 60's. It stars one of my all time favourite character actors Vincent D'Onofrio (who is amazing as always), along with some other lesser known cast who do a great job. What I found a little disappointing was its predictability. I picked what was happening very earlier on in the piece and it continued to give you very obvious hints about the storyline. It leaves me wondering, was it really that predictable? Was it just that I've seen other movies and TV shows with like story line's now, and as a result I just wasn't lost in the mystery. If I'd first seen it back in 1999, would I have felt the same. I'm just not sure.

Ok, so obviously I'm withholding a lot of plot information here. I promise you it's for your own good. You should go in cold like I did. Here's a secret of mine. I don't really like movie reviews. I adore reading about a film when it's in the process of being made, I enjoy trailers, and I can happily read reviews post viewing, but never before! I think even the smallest of details can ruin a film and some how reviews often do that for me. Maybe it's because I see so many that I'm pretty good at guessing outcomes, and perhaps that's whats happened with Thirteenth Floor for me. I don't know. Either way, "mum's" the word on this one.

That aside, as I said earlier, I really enjoyed the ride this movie took me on, even if I knew the route. I highly recommend a viewing if you haven't already. Vincent D'Onofiro is a master and should be worshipped way more than he is, plus this movies got lazers in it! I love lazers.


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