Monday, July 19, 2010

Kick-Ass (2010)

Oh. My. God. Kick-Ass is.. wait for it.. Kick-Ass.

This is the story of High Schooler Dave, who asks the question "Why aren't there any real Super Heroes in Real Life?"  and then goes about trying to correct that. No super powers, not special tricks, just a lot of ass kicking and getting kicked in the ass.

This poor little movie got a heap of flack over what is a little girl saying the c-word. I thought this was quite humourous particularly because they made little fuss over how the same little girl kills about 50 people, but oh no! She also said the c-word. Geez. Priorities people. I didn't care either way. I'd read a few interviews with Chloe Moretz (the little girl in question) and she seems extremely well adjusted and not at all scared or running around rooms randomly yelling out profanities and while scratching up the furniture.

Back to the movie and it's awesome-ness. Originally a comic book, now a sure to be cult classic film. The comic book had some aspects I preferred they hadn't changed, but as payback, the film fixed the things that bugged me in the comic. What was great was of course all the could-almost-beat-a-Tarantino-level-of-gore fight scenes, excellent soundtrack, great cast, and believe it or not just plain fun fun fun.

The much talked about Chloe Moretz is of course my favourite ("With great power, comes great responsibility.") Her cute little skirt wearing, swearing character steals the screen. Though  Nick Cage's impression of Adam West is great thing.

Maybe it's my inner-nerd (heck its an outter-nerd) that had me totally geeking out about this movie. Though I sure it's also the part of me and all of us that think "What if? Maybe I could  be a superhero too". Hey we all can dream right?


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