Thursday, May 27, 2010

Alice in Wonderland (2010)

Alice is not a child anymore. She is now a  beautiful, all though some what strange young woman who has grown up thinking her childhood adventure through Wonderland was all but a dream. Once again she stumbles upon the white rabbit and tumbles down the rabbit hole in another somewhat darker adventure. Directed by Tim Burton and starring his usual cast of misfits and the delightful newcomer Mia Wasikowska as Alice.

Pieces of Awesome:

The star of the show is Tim Burton's  Wonderland. I saw the film in 3D and even though I think it doesn't need an extra dimension, Wonderland looked magical through those dorky 3D glasses. Not surprisingly really, as this is certainly one of Burton's fortes.

 Mia Wasikowska as Alice, was a delight (and looked like a princess in every costume she wore. Can I have her wardrobe please?). At first glance she seems breakable with her porcelin features, only to stand up and become a champion with great determination and tenaciousness. All the while carrying off the perfect level of kookiness.

Lastly Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter. I heard a lot of chatter about his role. Yes he's very Depp-y (if I can create a word there) and there are similarities to his role as Willy Wonka (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005)). Golly Gee, they are both wearing hats! (Note the tone). For me, even though he was very much a bunch of Depp characters rolled into one, I liked him. When even he wasn't in a scene, I couldn't wait for him to show up again.

In conclusion: Alice in Wonderland is a very enjoyable film. I didn't feel a need to go see it again any time soon, but the world, characters and amazing costumes were a wonder (sorry) to see!


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