Monday, February 1, 2010
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (2004)
Warning: You are about to read a potentially amazing/terrible rant about a film called The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, one of the great works by Wes Anderson. This could potentially contain spoilers because when I rant I tend to ramble. That's what makes it a rant. Well it's not that it will contain spoilers, it's just that it might not _not_ contain spoilers. Are you following?
But hey, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou has been out since 2004, so if you haven't seen it yet, it's your own fault. I mean you couldn't have been desperate to see it, otherwise you'd have gone already. But the word "yet"..
Do you remember in English your teacher giving you that silly challenge when you just have to write and write without pausing or stopping to even think properly until they said stop. Well that's how I'm writing this. Thought it would be nice to shake things up a tad and just see what happens.
So here we have it, another Wes Anderson film. I'm on a bit of a kick. Well, a kick that started with Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009) two weekends ago, followed by me watching The Life Aquatic about three days later, and only now writing about it. But a kick none the less.
Remember when I spoke about Bill Murray being a Comedy Genius. It's still true, and this film in no exception. As the lead role of Steve Zissou he triumphs again. Steve Zissou who is very much a parady or perhaps homage to Jacques Cousteau and is a unique creature not unlike the sea creatures he encounters.
Oh I just love this film for heaps of reason. I love the little red hats and blue track suits the whole crew wears. I love Bill and Anjelica Huston together. Actually here's a little tangent about Anjelica Huston. I love her. Ever since I saw her in The Addams Family (1991) with her long dark hair and her pointy nose, I've felt a bond that will never be broken. I understood the strangeness of growing up with Witch like features and as she grows older with such grace and beauty I applaud her. You go Glen Coco, I mean Anjelica Huston.
Where was I? Oh The Aquatic Life.. the love I have for it's little stop animation sea creatures and it's as always, amazingly (it's a word) tender and beautiful dialog by The Mighty Wes. Oh, now that I think about it. This film makes me feel a little forlorn. The story of Steve Zissou, an Oceanographer and Film Maker that seems to have passed his prime and "the people" have lost faith in his abilities. But not his people, they still have the faith and it's touching. Then along comes a possible long lost son (Owen Wilson), his wife (Anjelica Huston) leaves him, his funding for his next film is taken away, oh and I forgot his best friend was eaten.
Too be honest it doesn't get any better. Yes stuff happens and his peeps still stand by him but I'm not sure how I'm meant to walk away from it. Am I meant to be happy, still not sure. Bit like The Lovely Bones (2009) in that regard.
Eeee, I haven't mentioned Cate Blanchett's character yet, and she is my favourite. She's a reporter who is pregnant who's come on board to travel with Steve Zissou and write a "Puff Piece" to help him out. From memory, she was actually pregnant when she made this, and just glows all the way through.
What was my point? Oh the rant and rambling. Mission Achieved. The End.
Director Crush,
Ensemble Crush,